interdisciplinary narrator.





1 x vocals (i bring my own sm58)
1 x acoustic or electric guitar (please provide 1 DI box)
1 x looper/sampler (please provide 2 DIs or one stereo DI)
please provide monitor speakers (ideally 2, but 1 also works. i cannot play without monitors!)
please have a sound technician on location.
please have a second mic stand at hand. thank you!


if you do not have a DJ, this is hours of very good music to play before and after the show:
(please do not put on a random Spotify playlist of music that does not fit the mood)
Spotify Playlist for Squalloscope shows


i have a milk protein and cat hair allergy. please make sure
food does not contain dairy and sleeping accommodations
do not contain cats.
i very much appreciate healthy food and the presence
of fruits and vegetables, as well as non-alcoholic beverages.

thank you very much!




Squalloscope is Anna Kohlweis, who exists as an interdisciplinary artist, illustrator, writer, music producer, composer, singer, and songwriter based in Vienna. Between 2006 and 2011 she was known as Paper Bird, a name under which she released three full-length albums. Squalloscope emerged in 2012, because why not. Anna Kohlweis works as a solitary force on songwriting, production, recording, artwork, music videos, lyric books and stage outfits. This is an intimate endeavour, music that wants to be sung right into your face, bubbling over with vivid imagery and poetry. What else are we here for? After five albums on Seayou Records and lately also on Fake Four Inc., Squalloscope self-released her latest solo album “Weightbearer” in 2022 and is working on a handful collaborative projects, weaving and stitching life into song, until it all bursts at the seams.

Squalloscope ist Anna Kohlweis. Seit 2006 schreibt, produziert und performt sie Musik, zuerst als Paper Bird, seit 2012 als Squalloscope, seit 2020 auch in der Formation Twin Tooth. Die interdisziplinäre Künsterin, Vokalistin, Musikproduzentin und Illustratorin entwickelt Musikvideos und Artwork, Bühnenoutfits und Songtextbücher. Intim muss alles sein, überkochend in Wort und Sprache. Für was sind wir denn sonst hier? Nach fünf Alben auf Seayou Records und seit 2017 auch auf dem U.S. Label Fake Four Inc., veröffentlichte Squalloscope 2022 ihr Album “Weightbearer” in Eigenregie und arbeitet an einer Handvoll an Projekten zwischen Sound, Lyrik, Malerei, Video und Textilkunst bis das Innere nach außen durch sämtliche Nähte platzt. 

Listening to Squalloscope is like having your future adult self gently explain with no sugarcoating to your inner child that life is wonderful and heartbreaking and difficult and exhilarating and all the things that make life living, and that it’s okay to be happy and it’s okay to be heartbroken and it’s okay to be absolutely furious, and that we’ll probably feel all of those feelings in this weird complicated human life because that’s what makes life so goddamn special.
— Coraline McKenna
It gives me a feeling I’ve never gotten from an album before, like my cooler big sister has let me into her room to talk to me about things. It’s so comforting and wise and funny and unabashedly strange in certain ways. It makes me feel braver.
— Colin Swegman (PT Burnem)
Nicht nur textlich ist „Exoskeletons for Children“ wunderschön und ergreifend, in seiner Offenheit stellenweise kaum zu ertragen. Die Ein-Frau-Band kreiert Songs die berühren, aufwühlen, den Hörer gleichermaßen traurig und fröhlich zurücklassen. Kohlweis ist mit ihrem zweiten Album als Squalloscope ein musikalisches Meisterstück gelungen.
— Philipp Dulle, Profil Magazin
I spent weeks trying to pick a favourite track because every single lyric is so good that they make me want to shed my skin like a snake. I love all of them. The album as a whole sounds like the world’s soft invisible underside.
— Ella Standage, Bandcamp customer review
Like a soft duck wing holding a rocket launcher...It’s devastating. In a sweet way.
— Myles Bullen (about "Annette" EP)
Anna Kohlweis has a knack of making her feminist future folk sound playful, undogmatic and full of empathy. While others sit on high horses she prefers to sit on a table, guitar in hand, surrounded by all her gadgets, bubbling over with melodies. wisdom, and human warmth.
— Robert Rotifer
The bulb of an existential flashlight shining on all the small moments to pay attention to.
— Alassinsane, Youtube
Exoskeletons For Children“ ist ein Meisterwerk. Die Songs nehmen einen mit, sind perfekt bis ins kleinste Detail produziert, die Vocal-Arrangements ließen Kate Bush vor Neid erblassen. Ihre unaufgeregte Stimme trägt die Tracks, die fallweise Assoziationen mit Fever Ray, Björk oder auch Massive Attack hervorrufen. „Pando“, „Turmoil And Wonder“, das melancholische „All Caps“, der Gospel von „Nocturnal“ – schöner kann elektronischer Indiepop nicht sein.
— Andreas Bovelino, Kurier

photo by Anna Kohlweis. Click through for high resolution image.

photo by Anna Kohlweis. Click through for high resolution image.


photo by Anna Kohlweis. Click through for high resolution image.

photo by Anna Kohlweis. Click through for high resolution image.

photo by Anna Kohlweis. Click through for high resolution image.